Using a Frying Pan to get better low angle Photos & Videos

tripod-pan-04Grabbing low angle footage and photos is somewhat of a challenge. Even the lowest of tripods have some height to them. Then again, you probably don’t want to put your camera on the sand. Here is one of the cooler ideas ever shared courtesy of Roger Payne at fujifilm-blog.

Actually once you see this, you will never realize how you lived your life without a frying pan tripod before.

You would need an old frying pan (please remove grease prior to use), a ballhead, a nut and a bolt.


Once you have all the pieces, drill a hole at the center of the pan. Now, if you got a nice pan, this can take quite a while, so don’t give up.

Now, that you have a hole in the pan, pass the bolt through the hole and screw it into the base of the head.


There you have it. Now, this will probably not work on any surface, as there is a bolt head on the bottom of the pan, but it would be perfect for a shot at the beach or at the park.

One last word or advice. This hack will probably work with any camera, but it will work best with cameras that have an LCD screen that can flip upwards. Look at the Fuji X-T10 on the top photo. This way you don’t need to lay down to look at the screen.